Upcoming NIGP seminars:

- To view the monthly Pathway courses currently being offered by NIGP, click here.

News of Note:

- The Question of the Day for CPPB and CPPO candidates is currently active.

- NIGP now offers the NIGP-CPP certification. A separate list of study questions is available if you wish to join the Question of the Day for this certification. The new list is currently active as well.

- If you wish to participate and are not already registered, please go to the contact page to do so.


David Nash brings a wealth of knowledge to this endeavor from his many years of experience in the procurement  field and as an instructor of many public procurement disciplines.


The road to certification can be long and sometimes frustrating so participants are free to ask questions one on one with the facilitator.

Test Preparation

  • Certified Public Procurement Officer
  • Certified Professional Public Buyer
  • NIGP-Certified Procurement Professional

David E. Nash, CPPO, CPPB, NIGP-CPP: NIGP certified instructor with over 45 years of experience in logistics and public procurement.

Your Facilitator

The goal is simple: To assist public procurement professionals in preparing for the CPPO, CPPB and NIGP-CPP exams, one question at a time.


Since the creation of the online Question of the day in 2007, almost eight thousand public procurement professionals from across the United States and Canada have participated in this endeavor by responding to questions sent to them via daily emails. Participants may also pose questions that they encounter during their independent or group studies.

Welcome to the Question of the Day!